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C O L L A B O R A T E D   W I T H


"It is truly remarkable how British artist Rachel Gray captures the essence and presence of wildlife through her art, celebrating their uniqueness and beauty and underlining the importance of protecting these diverse endangered species. She brings them to life, and helps to show us the importance of conserving our precious and vulnerable ecosystem in a hugely impactful way."


M R   C H A R L E S   H A Y,   M V O.

B R I T I S H   H I G H   C O M M I S S I O N E R

(M A L A Y S I A)

It’s as real achievement for Rachel Gray to be the first British female solo artist to exhibit in Malaysia’s National Visual Arts Gallery, particularly in this special year as the gallery marks its 60th anniversary. The historic Malaysian-British relationship is one of modern partnership and mutual respect. Exhibitions like these demonstrate how we can enrich both of our cultures in the spirit of collaboration. I hope that the artistic exchange embodied in today’s exhibition is something that will continue to flourish in both Malaysia and the UK


                                                                                       M R   D A V I D   T H O M A S

D E P U T Y   B R I T I S H   H I G H   C O M M I S S I O N E R

​(M A L A Y S I A)

“Rachel's artistry is truly emblematic of the majestic creatures that inhabit Malaysian rainforest. Her renderings illicit emotion, inspire hope and induce all of us to take action to preserve our biodiversity.”





M R   P H I L I P   S E E 

G R O U P   C H I E F   S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y   O F F I C E R

&   C E O   O F   L O Y A L T Y   &   T R A V E L   S E R V I C E S

A T   M A L A Y S I A   A V I A T I O N   G R O U P   ( M A G )

"This collaboration with Rachel Gray is particularly special as we feel that Rachel's work and her work in the field tells the perfect story of the beauty of Malaysia's rich wildlife heritage that we are trying to save and nurture not just for the benefit of generations to come but for us, in the here and now."


"It is also the first British collaboration for MATTA and we are proud of the close ties between our two nations and the journey we are taking together towards a more sustainable future."​​​

                                                                                       M R   N I G E L  W O N G

P R E S I D E N T,  M A T T A

​(M A L A Y S I A N  A S S O C I A T I O N   O F   T O U R   &  T R A V E L   A G E N T S)

"Our collaboration with Rachel Gray on the Earth collection has been a meaningful journey. Her artistic flair, combined with our pewter craftsmanship, allowed us to create pieces that celebrate the beauty of Malaysian wildlife. We're grateful for the opportunity to bring this shared passion to life."



D A T O '  Y O N G  Y O O N  L I

M A N A G I N G  D I R E C T O R ,  R O Y A L  S E L A N G O R

"Through her eyes, Rachel Gray is sharing the nature and wildlife of Malaysia to the world. Her collections on Malaysia is based on her own experience travelling throughout the country. Her effort to promote Malaysia should be applause which shows her own photo angle and transform into her own arts and creativity that showcase nature and culture.


Thank you Rachel Gray for sharing vour unique arts to showcase the rich flora and fauna of Malaysia."

M R   I S K A N D A R  Y U S O F

S E N I O R  D I R E C T O R  O F   I N T E R N A T I O N A L  P R O M O T I O N S ,

M I N I S T R Y  O F  T O U R I S M  M A L A Y S I A


Rachel Gray is a British Artist who specialises in wildlife portraiture. Rachel has been drawn to animals and art from a very young age. Her admiration and love of animals has led her to wildlife conservation, and she is committed to using her work to raise awareness of endangered species from around the globe. With this goal in mind, Rachel has worked with charities such as the WWF and has collaborated with the British High Commission, COP26 “Together for Our Planet” (2021),  Namibian High Commission, Expo 2020 (2021-2022) Dubai, WTM London (2023) and ITB Berlin earlier this year.


For more information about Rachel Gray please check out her interviews or FAQ’s page, alternatively get in touch via the contact us page

F O L L O W    R A C H E L    O N    I N S T A G R A M

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